How to Optimize Post Process Volume?

Is there a way to optimize post-processing in unity for mobile?

My game runs at 300fps in PC, but when I activate post processing the fps drops to 200fps :confused:

but on mobile it runs at 60 fps, but when I activate the post-processing the fps are reduced to 10/20fps :confused:

What post processing do you use?
We can’t help if you are not specific.

Also, mobile and desktop behave differently due to the different architectures.

Post Process Volume > Bloom

I know for a fact bloom is quite slow on mobile devices because of the tiles GPUs. This is because it adds quite some draw calls.
Haven’t seen a huge difference on desktop however. What Unity version and resolution are you running?

you literally have it in the image to that information haha

Sorry, totally looked over that.
Update to the latest 2020 lts (and maybe try 2021 lts) to see if it gets improved.
Otherwise there isn’t much to do with the native PP stack I think. Then you need to look into custom/3rd party solutions