how to organize 100 signal assets?

I’m really into the whole timeline system with the playable director. I’ve got a lot of signal assets. Is there a way to group them so they arent displayed as one long list in garbage Windows, but the same as you can do with tags?

what is the recommended method for organizing and working with potentially hundreds of signal assets? scrolling through a long list for 5 minutes to find a particular signal takes too long.

any ideas?

At what context? Could you take a screenshot

Yes, that would be a very welcome feature.
In our case we also have narrative experiences with many timelines, each of which contain at least a few unique signals.

Selecting the signal as a part of the “reaction” in a SignalReceiver reveals a long list of all the signals in the project, often not even sorted by name. Some sort of organization mechanism would be very welcome. In our case even a foldout based on the folder containing signals would work, given that we have organized them by scene folder.