How to Organize Hierarchy at run time?

I’m procedurally generating content but it shows up in the hierarchy root at run time. Is there any way to change parent/child relationships in the hierarchy at run time to organize the game objects.

Example. I’m creating a 2D scrolling level at run time by creating X game objects, assigning sprites to them, and rendering them one after the other. I have an empty game object acting as an organizational element called “Level” with children “Foreground”, “Playarea”, and “Background”. I want my generated content to show in it’s appropriate relative parent/child relationship within the hierarchy.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this programmatically?

yes of course!! just go:

private GameObject parent;

public void CreatIfNeeded (string objectName)
		parent = GameObject.Find (objectName);

		if (!parent)
			parent = new GameObject(objectName);

private void Fire () 
		GameObject newGameGeneration = Instantiate (projectile) as GameObject;
		newGameGeneration .transform.parent = parent.transform;
		newGameGeneration .transform.position = //Whatever the position is that your spawning it at;

so basically what this is going to do is check if there is a game object by the name of objectName. if there isn’t, it will create one called parent.
All created content, when instantiated, could be put as a child to it like how I have it in the script above.
