How to parent an instance, and then get it to follow the character

I have a collider with an object that, when my character hits it, creates an instantiated cube. What i want this cube to do is fall directly behind the players cube, and then follow it around. Yes this is a snake game. I’m not worrying about getting it move in blocks yet, that will follow. I just need to know how to parent it. Here is the instantiation code:

var BodyPrefab : Transform; //set in inspector with my prefab

function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider)
 if(other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
 	  print ("FOOD!");
 	  Instantiate(BodyPrefab, GameObject.Find("Snake").transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
 	  BodyPrefab.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;
Thanks guys.

That should work, but you are destroying the object that is suppose to follow it. So you place this object and child it to the “Snake” then destroy it right after, so nothing really happens then, visually.

Here is the docs, Unity - Scripting API: Transform.parent