I’m tried ArrayPrefs and native Unity3D PlayerPrefs both of them printed last value of the array string values.
Is there a way to pass array string variables between scenes and print them all out?
The purpose of my array is getting the string variables in second scene and then somehow I need to transfer the array to the first scene and print them at least in the console, thus I can use the transferred array string values wherever I want.
I don’t know if is this that you want, but you could use the function
void Awake()
in your first scene script attached to the object A, for example, and set the vector like public (or make a get method for him). Them, in your script, attached to the object B, in scene 2, you use the GameObject.Find(“A”) to find the object A, that still exists, and then use the GetComponent to get its script. Them you just have to access the variable, if its public, or call the get method.
What is the purpose of the array? Is it an array you are about to use all over the game in many places? You could go for a static class with a static array then.