Would anyone have any idea how to pause ( not disable) the main camera view ? I have used the timescale (Time.timeScale = 0; ) Class Variables, which only disables the first person control along with other game object in the scene.
The reason why I would like to pause the main camera is because; I do not wish to see any movement when the pause menu GUI is visable.
Set the Camera’s ClearFlags to Nothing. This will make it so that the previous frame’s image will not be cleared.
Set the Camer’as Culling Mask to 0. This makes it so that NOTHING is rendered.
The Camera should now display the image of the previous frame permanently.
When the game is unpaused, reset the CullingMask and ClearFlags values to what they were before.
Also, when you setup a script to do this, DO NOT use Update or LateUpdate to perform these tasks because they will not be called if the game is paused.
Hello, sorry to reopen this issue so many years after this was solved, I’m having a similar problem with my game and haven’t been able to find a solution. I want to completely pause a camera’s rendering, and this solution -setting culling mask to 0 and clear flags to nothing- works well except for one detail: when I move the mouse over the area that is paused it leaves a trail behind that will only get cleaned up when the camera is unpaused and its clear flags are reset. From what I understand, this seems to be happening because since the clear flags are set to Nothing, literally nothing will be cleared from the screen. It doesn’t seem to be possible to set the flags to the clear the mouse movement only.
This question is a few years old, so I was wondering if perhaps anything been added to Unity that could help me solve this problem. Or is there some other workaround I’m missing?