How to perform grasp action on a cloth?

Hi everyone.
We are an italian team that are developing a medical solution system and we are using some cloth to simulate the organs.
We have improved our position and rotation movement using moveposition and moverotation instead of using translate, this prevent that objects go through each other.
Now we have a cloth on which we want try to perform a grasp action.
We are trying to do this with a kinematic rigidbody composed by 3 parts parented.
The parent gameobject is the stick of the grasper and the 2 child are the pliers.
Each of the childs have a box collider component to make collision with cloth and that works fine.
The angle of the aperture is set using an animation.
We control the time of this using keyboard.
All works fine more or less, but when the cloth is going to be grasped seems to have not much friction and slips on the pliers despite it has friction =1.
In your opinion what could be the best solution to make this action?
Maybe we’re going wrong somewhere?
We have to manipulate better some physics and time setting but we want to reach the goal.
Perform a grasp action!
Sorry for my not perfect english and thanks in advance

Add a component with forced friction - constant force

Hi there, I’m trying to do something just like you, have you ever achieved the grasp thing? and if you did it, how did you managed to do so? i’m not using cloth, but some kind of cloth simulation manualy maded by me, modifying vertex at real time, and having something like a “core” in order to avoid implosion or self collision, i want to hold the core into the grasp or the “handlers” of the simulated cloth in order to move it, can you help me out please?

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