I need help implementing that scene: i want as result for example a light effect behind a chest in my shop page, so the elements are:
UI Panel → Particle → UI Image
I read about making 2 different Canvas, but i was not able to implement it. Can i have a little help? Is this the only way to reach my result?
Thanks in advance to everyone and sorry for eng.
I found a solution very easy to implement for my Game, just add to the UI that you want in front of the particle a “Canvas” Conponent and check “Override sorting”, then select a sorting layer above the other selected in the main canvas of your scene.
Thanks Simon for the tips!
I did answer this on the forums but can’t find my original answer.
In short the UI example asset on the Unity store shows a good example of how to mix particles and UI, you either need to put them on different layers or sandwich them between two screenspace camera / worldspace canvases.
I also found an old post discussing this very subject on the forums, check it out here:
As far as I’m aware nothing has changed on this with U5
I’ve just released UI Particles package for uGUI. UI Particles | GUI Tools | Unity Asset Store
It’s a simple drag&drop solution for particles in UI. Not required second camera, work with all type of canvases. Work with sorting inside canvas. And compatible with mobile.