How to play a material's shader in an image? (Unity 5.2.0f3)

Hi guys,
I’m playing a material compose of a shader in a Sprite Renderer that way:

spriteRenderer = background.GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>();
spriteRendererMaterial = Instantiate(background.GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer>().material);
spriteRendererMaterial.SetFloat("Slider_Dissolve", 1.5f);
spriteRenderer.material = spriteRendererMaterial;

But then I would like to apply that same material in an image but it doesn’t work.
I mean that I can see the material being updated in the “Project View”. It looked great but nothing happens when I launch the game.
There are absolutely no masks in any of my components compared to:
I’m running low on solutions any help would be appreciated.


After posting my problem in another forum:

We tried something else:

IEnumerator WaitForInteractiveElementTransform(Animator animator)
    if (animator != null)
        while (animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).length >
            yield return null;
    if (animatorBackground != null)
        animatorBackground.SetBool("On", true);
    state = SceneState.Unreal;
    StartCoroutine(SetMaterialFloatOverTime(spriteRendererMaterial, 1.5f, "Slider_Dissolve"));

private IEnumerator SetMaterialFloatOverTime(Material material, float duration, string propertyName)
    float timer = 0;
    while (timer < duration)
        material.SetFloat(propertyName, timer);
        spriteRenderer.material = material;
        timer += Time.deltaTime;
        yield return null;

But unfortunately the same problem: We see the slider moving in the Unity inspector, but in-game the transition of the material isn’t updating.

Here a topic we thought it would help: Unfortunately nope. Here our shader:

Shader "Shader Forge/SpriteDissolve" {
Properties {
    _Slider_Dissolve ("Slider_Dissolve", Range(0, 1.5)) = 1.5
    _Slider_Border ("Slider_Border", Color) = (1,0.7655173,0,1)
    _Slider_Transition ("Slider_Transition", Range(0, 0.2)) = 0.1083302
    _0RED1GREEN2BLUE ("0 = RED // 1 = GREEN // 2= BLUE", Float ) = 0
    _Texture2 ("Texture 2", 2D) = "white" {}
    _Texture1 ("Texture 1", 2D) = "white" {}
    [MaterialToggle] PixelSnap ("Pixel snap", Float) = 0
SubShader {
    Tags {

    Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha

    Pass {
        Name "FORWARD"
        Tags {

        Blend One OneMinusSrcAlpha
        Cull Off
        ZWrite Off

        #pragma vertex vert
        #pragma fragment frag
        #pragma multi_compile _ PIXELSNAP_ON
        #include "UnityCG.cginc"
        #pragma multi_compile_fwdbase
        #pragma exclude_renderers gles3 metal d3d11_9x xbox360 xboxone ps3 ps4 psp2 
        #pragma target 3.0
        uniform float _Slider_Dissolve;
        uniform float4 _Slider_Border;
        uniform float _Slider_Transition;
        uniform float _0RED1GREEN2BLUE;
        uniform sampler2D _Texture2; uniform float4 _Texture2_ST;
        uniform sampler2D _Texture1; uniform float4 _Texture1_ST;
        struct VertexInput {
            float4 vertex : POSITION;
            float2 texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0;
        struct VertexOutput {
            float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
            float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0;
        VertexOutput vert (VertexInput v) {
            VertexOutput o = (VertexOutput)0;
            o.uv0 = v.texcoord0;
            o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex );
            #ifdef PIXELSNAP_ON
                o.pos = UnityPixelSnap(o.pos);
            return o;
        float4 frag(VertexOutput i, float facing : VFACE) : COLOR {
            float isFrontFace = ( facing >= 0 ? 1 : 0 );
            float faceSign = ( facing >= 0 ? 1 : -1 );
////// Lighting:
////// Emissive:
            float4 _Texture1_var = tex2D(_Texture1,TRANSFORM_TEX(i.uv0, _Texture1));
            float4 _Texture2_var = tex2D(_Texture2,TRANSFORM_TEX(i.uv0, _Texture2));
            float node_9964_if_leA = step(1.0,_0RED1GREEN2BLUE);
            float node_9964_if_leB = step(_0RED1GREEN2BLUE,1.0);
            float node_6089 = (lerp((node_9964_if_leA*_Texture1_var.b)+(node_9964_if_leB*_Texture1_var.r),_Texture1_var.g,node_9964_if_leA*node_9964_if_leB)*length((1.0 - i.uv0)));
            float node_2567 = step(node_6089,_Slider_Dissolve);
            float3 emissive = lerp(lerp(_Texture1_var.rgb,_Texture2_var.rgb,node_2567),_Slider_Border.rgb,(node_2567*step(_Slider_Dissolve,(node_6089+_Slider_Transition))*0.1));
            float3 finalColor = emissive;
            return fixed4(finalColor,1);
FallBack "Diffuse"
CustomEditor "ShaderForgeMaterialInspector"

We hope someone can help us solve our problem