How to play a movie using the new Video component (Unity 5.6) inside canvas Image

HI All,

I have a canvas, and in this canvas with frame and image inside.
I want to use the new Unity 5.6 Video to show a movie on the image.

Any ideas how?

Put rawimage on canvas, then add this simple script:

public VideoPlayer player;
public RawImage image;

    RenderTexture text;

	void Start () {

        text = new RenderTexture((int)player.clip.width, (int)player.clip.height, 0);

        player.targetTexture = text;
        image.texture = text;

        Vector3 scale = image.transform.localScale;

        scale.y = player.clip.height / (float)player.clip.width * scale.y;

        image.transform.localScale = scale;
