So I downloaded a model from asset store, which is a small dragon with generic rig. It has 6 animations(wait, run, skill1, skill2, hurt, die), and for each *.fbx document it has its own avatar.
I want to make a test to switch “wait” and “run”, with the animator’s bool parameter “isMove”. When I tried to make an animator controller for the dragon, I don’t know which avatar I should choose. So I just put “Dragon_runAvatar”(contained by run animation) into the animator controller, and obviously it failed.
I also tried to convert the generic rig to humanoid one. And that is a nightmare. The bones of dragon are very difficult to fit human’s ones.
Here is my question:
1.Can I use animator controller to control the animations? (just like those of humanoid. I think the point is the animations of humanoid always share one avatar)
2.How should I do?
ps: the author plays the animations with a C# script.
Finally I use C# script and it’s solved. Not that difficult.