How To Play My Scene?

Hi! I’m very new to unity, and this may seem very simple - and if it’s in the wrong place i’m sorry but I had no clue where to put it.

I’ve been playing around with Unity for a bit just making terrain and painting it and stuff, but I want to actually walk around on it as a character, what’s the easiest way? Right now i’m not really bothered if I can’t interact with anything and such I just like playing with this software for the fun of it. Any help and tips will be very much appreciated, thanks :slight_smile:

Unity’s “Standard Assets” include a First Person Shooter controller script.

Assets >> Import Packages >> Characters

This adds a Standard Assets folder to your Project window. Drop this prefab into your scene:

Standard Assets >> Characters >> FirstPersonCharacter >> Prefabs >> FPSController

This prefab contains a capsule and it has to be 1 unit above the terrain to be “on top” of it. If your scene has a flat area at 0,0,0, you’d set the prefab to 0,1,0.

Hit play. You have mouselook, WASD movement controls, and some cheesy SFX that makes it sound like your “character” is running around in wooden clogs.

(Note that “game design” is really for questions and discussion about planning a game and the systems behind the game.)

The correct place would’ve been the Getting Started forum. This forum is for game-design questions, like “if I make it so players can fly, how will that impact the level design?”

But anyway, @MV10 has given you the best answer. Welcome, and have fun!

Press the play button arrow up on the top of the screen.

I’m not trying to be mean, I remember that was my problem 10 years ago when I first started using Unity.