How to plot data from UGS

Hi there,

I am trying to plot my data from UGS and I created custom events with parameters. However, I couldn’t plot the data from the data explorer and SQL data explorer.

I am wondering what SQL queries should be entered? Select parameters from our events? And EVENT_NAME = ? Is there any tutorial for the data plotting? It’s so difficult to use the current UGS comparing to the previous Legacy Analytics and we couldn’t export our data as a json to plot ourself!

You would wrap the event name literal in single quotes instead of double quotes. This query is working on my test project for example:

select count(*) from EVENTS
where EVENT_NAME = ‘myLevelStart’

Also I would encourage you to check out the documentation here Have you successfully sent boxDestroyedV events recently? Do they show in Event Browser? It might be quickest if you sent me your Unity ProjectID in a private message, I’ll take a look.

Thank you for providing your ProjectID. You haven’t yet sent any custom events, are you testing in the Editor? Can you place appropriate Debug.Log statements in your code to confirm that the event code you have is being executed?

Debug.Log(“Event boxDestoryedV sent”);