How to practice with Vectors

Hello everyone, I am studying trigonometry to my account. I wanted to know from you as I can put into practice something with Vector3 in Unity. I was looking for exercises to move objects in certain directions or anything. What do you advise me?

Unity will make all the calculations for you and you might not learn so much. I recomend doing it with pen and paper the old fascioned way. Sorry this is not really an answer to your question though.

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Trigonometry is involved in the dot and cross products, which are extremely useful tools to compare vectors. I would avice to study them in depth. You need these when you want know how two vector are aligned with each other or to know in which direction a vector is pointing and how much and such…

Quaternion is the ultimate tool for handling rotation, which also involves trigonometry as well as complex numbers. You will benefit from studying that too. Though, it’s not required to have an in depth understanding; you can get along just by understanding axis-angle rotation.