How to prevent a sphere collider from rolling for prolonged time

I’m working on a golf game and I’m having some problems with the ball rolling for prolonged periods of time. I’ve tried adjusting the settings under the rigid body as well as the values for the physics material that it uses. However, the ball still seems to roll for prolonged periods of time no matter what I do. The only difference is, the speed at which it rolls. Although cranking the angular drag up seems to reduce the rolling speed, it still continues to roll for long periods of time.

Any ideas as to how I can address this issue? Would I be better off tweaking the rigid body settings, or tweaking the physics material settings? I’m sure it will take a bit of time to customize it for our purposes, but if somebody could point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated! Thank you.

You could increase the rigidbody.drag as well, but this could kill the velocity while in the air. I think you could try to reduce the velocity and angularVelocity in OnCollisionStay, thus it would fly freely but loose energy quickly when rolling on the ground:

var velDamp: float = 0.01;
var aVelDamp: float = 0.01;

function OnCollisionStay(){
  rigidbody.velocity *= 1 - velDamp;
  rigidbody.angularVelocity *= 1 - aVelDamp;

Another alternative could be to increase the drag and angularDrag in OnCollisionEnter, thus the behaviour in the air would not be affected:

var dragInc: float = 0.2;
var aDragInc: float = 0.2;

function OnCollisionEnter(){
  rigidbody.drag *= 1 + dragInc;
  rigidbody.angularDrag *= 1 + aDragInc;