In my game I have object (citizen), which move from point to point.
It contain camera, which follow the citizen. When citizen rotate, I don’t want camera to be rotated.
But camera is inside object, which rotates. How can I prevent camera rotation?
In my game I have object (citizen), which move from point to point.
It contain camera, which follow the citizen. When citizen rotate, I don’t want camera to be rotated.
But camera is inside object, which rotates. How can I prevent camera rotation?
I use this script to make my camera follow my player object.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class FollowPlayerCSharp : MonoBehaviour
public Transform target; //This will be your citizen
public float distance;
void Update()
if (!target)
// Search for object with Player tag
var go = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player");
// Check we found an object with the player tag
if (go)
// Set the target to the object we found
target = go.transform;
if (target)
transform.position =new Vector3(target.position.x, target.position.y+25, target.position.z - distance);
Hope this is useful to you