how to print on a scene permanently ?

Hello guys,

I have a line like:

GUI.Label(Rect(200, y*10,100,30), "number" +y);

It labels each value of y on the scene.
And the previous one disappears when unity labels the next one, while loading the scene.
How should I script to save each y values on the scene?
Thanks for any answers and advices.

I’m not completely sure what you mean, do you mean that you want to draw multiple y values to the screen at the same time, or do you want to save the y values between scenes?

if you want to draw multiple objects y values at once then you could loop through them in the update function and draw them all there.

If you want to save what you are drawing between scenes you could use DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject) on the object that is responsible for drawing the gui.