How to prioritize colliders?

I’ve got a Object with a rigid body (so that does manage the collision triggers),
Sometimes it will collide with 3 different GameObjects at the same time .
How can I tell it to forget about the other colliders if one of the 3 got a priority on others?

I’m working with the tags so far, but it seems that the collisions does not care about the order in the code:

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.transform.parent.tag == "Obstacle")
            //PRIORITY CODE is not executed in first

         else   if (other.transform.parent.tag == "Enemy")
         //SECONDARY CODE, but executed first :/

Hi I know it’s not a perfect solution, but I had a similar issue few days ago.

One way would be to set a private flag variable, “hasColided” for example. Then on Trigger you just check at the beginning if the other collided object has that flag set to true.

HI, thanks for you answer
I don’t know if I understand well your private flag variable concept…
Are you talking about some private var inside the class?
For instance in my project I ve already got this, the object that have got the rigidbody, collides at first with 3 GameObject tagged “enemy”, in order to only collect with the first enemy, I’ve got a bool “hasBeenTriggered” false at start and in the code :

 private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (hasBeenTriggered)

if (other.transform.parent.tag == "Obstacle")
            hasBeenTriggered = true;
         Debug.log("Obstacle Trigger");
           else  if (other.transform.parent.tag == "Enemy")
            hasBeenTriggered = true;
Debug.log("Enemy Trigger");

But in the above example, even if 3 Enemy and One obstacle are at the exact same place, it will only Debug “Enemy Trigger” (once as expected); But I want to prioritize the Obstacle first…
It seems that the enemy tag is triggered first prior to the Obstacle tag.