How to properly export a blender file into unity?

I have blender 5.7 and i tried exporting a model as an fbx into unity, and it worked but in unity the scaling is way off. when I try to scale it up it moves the object along with scaling it. Any ideas for how to do this properly?

I find it easier to just import the .blend into unity and let unity do the conversion to .fbx. After you fix the annoying .01 scale setting, reset your object’s transform to 0, 0, 0.

In our projects our graphics designer exports from Blender into FBX fileformat.
Regarding the scale problem, I’ve made a simple FBXimporter script that is placed inside the Assets/Editor and in the event OnPreprocessModel I just force the scale to be 1.0f and not 0.01f

Place this in a file called eg. FBXimporter.cs

class FBXimporter : AssetPostprocessor 
  void OnPreprocessModel () 
	ModelImporter item = (ModelImporter) assetImporter;
	item.globalScale = 1.0f; // fix Blenders size
    LogWarning("Model " + assetPath + " imported.");

About your translate problem.

Make sure that your object is centered around 0,0,0 in Blender before exporting.


i’m using blender too, but cant get unity to use the .blend, not recognized by unity, so the only way for me is to export the model in fbx from blender… how do you import the blender file from unity ?! it may solve some of my pb…

thanks :slight_smile:

How to Export From Blender to Unity