One of the recurring issues I have with dots is how to provide preallocated data to parallel jobs. As Native structures can not be nested I can not have a NativeArray nor can I have a MyData field in a IComponentData
In the past I have created variants of Native* without the safety features and this allows me to provide preallocated data to parallel jobs where I access a particular instance using NativeThreadIndex, combined with lazy allocation this works reasonably well for any number of threads
Currently I am looking to provide preallocated PhysicsWorlds to a parallel job and now the approach above breaks down. I can put worlds in a list with the safety features removed, but as PhysicsWorld contains Native structures the memory leak detection system thinks I am leaking the worlds I store in this list.
Is there a solution to this, can I somehow associate a PhysicsWorld with IComponentData that I’m not aware of?
So I don’t like systems accessing other systems so I changed how I used Unity Physics and made a singleton component that held the physics world with automatic dependency management so I don’t need to access the physics systems.
The physics worlds have NativeContainers though.
This isn’t the exact same problem you are looking at, but I’ve attached the source code to how I do it and maybe you can take inspiration from it.
AtomicSafetyManager is a slightly modified version from within the physics package
NativeArrayProxy is from the physics package
That should work yeah, as my only issue is memory leak detection failing when storing physicsworlds in a list without safety features Im going to stick with this for now, yuk:
void StoreWorld(PhysicsWorld world, SimulationContext simulationContext)
switch (_worldIndex)
case 0:
_world0 = world;
_context0 = simulationContext;
case 1:
_world1 = world;
_context1 = simulationContext;
// ...
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Failed to store world: {_worldIndex}");