How to push character controller???

I met a very basic physics problem.
I have moving wall in my game, which pushes player (using character controller as a collider) exactly the distance it moves.
At first I tried the OnControllerColliderHit function. move the character controller the distance of the moving wall in this fnction. But when I read the script reference I found that the function is only called when the character controller performs a Move.

Which means, when the wall moves really fast towards the player, the character controller will not detect the wall’s collider anymore and move inside the wall.
This really happened when I tried><.
So I want to know is there any message will be sent when a collider/rigidbody actively hit a character controller or the controller passively gets hit by a collider.
Then I can write the push code there.
I tried the OnCollisionEnter but it doesn’t work on the characterController.

I just checked the question with the same tag. Finally solved the question by making a child object with collider as trigger… Anyway, thanks for viewing this topic and hope it could give u some help.