how to put function on list delete and edit button?

hello friend.
I need somebody to help me.
I followed this tutorial 7. Unity tutorial: High score with SQLite - High Score calss - YouTube
and I want to put delete and edit buttons on list. but I don’t know to put a function for button.
this is my screenshot and code to show data from database:

 private void TampilDaftar()

        for (int i = 0; i < daftarGedung.Count; i++)
            GameObject tmpObject = Instantiate(daftarPrefab);
            Daftargedung tmpGedung = daftarGedung*;*

tmpObject.GetComponent().SetDaftar(tmpGedung.Namagedung.ToString(), tmpGedung.Lokasigedung.ToString(), tmpGedung.Dayatampung.ToString(), tmpGedung.Tambahruang.ToString(), tmpGedung.Perlengkapan.ToString(), tmpGedung.Luasparkir.ToString(), tmpGedung.Status.ToString());

tmpObject.GetComponent().localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

I followed the code step by step tutorial on video.
But, I don’t know where to put the function for the buttons. please help :cry:
* sorry I used Indonesian language (bahasa) on my code

You need to choose first a MonoBehaviour script (the instance of an object), then choose the methods you want to call.