Is there any way to check IAP prices in my game in currencies other than my account currency (GooglePlay/AppStore)?
I know that I can check the price values in the Google Play Console. But I want to see not only the values, but also how it looks in the GUI (for example, does the text fit, is the currency symbol displayed correctly)
The only way I know is to change the region in my Google account. But in this case, Google may request a local bank card or limit the region change to one time per year.
Maybe there are ways for developers to quickly change the region that I don’t know about? It doesn’t matter, on the Google Play/Appstore side or on the Unity IAP side.
The Apple App Store allows you to create multiple Sandbox users in all kinds of different countries to test your in app purchases. After adding them you have to log in with one of them on your device.
For Google Play you can use the Play Billing Lab app. You can change the country and also test subscription-related settings. And I should add that when I tested(tested with product.metadata.localizedPriceString), for example Saudi Arabia with the English language, it showed the price with SAR, and when I changed my phone’s language to Arabic, it showed the price fully in Arabic.
Play Billing Lab:
Hi @MaximPP @Jamolbek1 suggestion is on point, and he provided the link to official Play Billing Lab documentation.
The currency displayed for in-app purchases comes directly from the metadata returned by the store (Google Play or App Store). To test how prices appear in different currencies, you need to simulate or test purchases from other countries.
As @Jamolbek1 suggested, one recommended tool for Google Play testing is the Play Billing Lab. This app allows you to explore and preview price localization without changing your account’s region or other restrictions.
Hi, I just tried play billing lab. When changing country unity iap fail to initialize.
After several attempts to reload the app it finally initialize, is there a delay to wait or some action we need to do to make it work?
Also can we get the fail to initialize callback working again so I don’t have to scroll among the android log to understand what’s happening every time?