How to randomly instantiate an object at specific locations?

I have a room where I am trying to randomly instantiate portals on the walls of the room at specific points.

So far, I have been able to destroy and randomly instantiate portal prefabs but it only works once when I first run the application. I have two scripts in which ABChecker is used to detect two collisions against a cube and then it calls the Reset() sub-routine in the other script. And then shrinkRoom is used to destroy the current portal prefab and instantiate another portal randomly onto a specific point.

One thing to note is that there are two portals in the room, directly opposite to each other. Currently the main problem that I am facing is that SelectPortals() in shrinkRoom only randomizes the location of instantiation once.

Thanks in advance.

The scripts are as follows:

public class shrinkRoom : MonoBehaviour {
    public float countDown;// this is a timer for each room
	public static int PortalNum;

    public GameObject player;

    //the booleans are to check which walls need to be shrinked
    public bool ABshrink;  
    //these are other scripts that get activated when the booleans are pressed
    public ABChecker ABChecker_portalA;
    public ABChecker ABChecker_portalB;

    public GameObject Portal; // portal gameobject that gets spawned
    public GameObject[] SpawnedPortal; // contains all portals 

    public GameObject[] A_portalPos; // array containing six possible portal positions for wall A
    public GameObject[] B_portalPos; // array containing six possible portal positions for wall B

	int size;

    float roomX;
    float roomY;
    float shrinkSpeed;
    float playerSize;
    //this float is just the rate of the room getting shrinked
    void Awake() {
        roomX = transform.localScale.x;
        roomY = transform.localScale.y;

        //picked X scale because its the same and Y could also be used with same effect (room is a cube)
        shrinkSpeed = (roomX - 1 / countDown) * Time.deltaTime;
		size = A_portalPos.Length;
        SpawnedPortal = new GameObject;
		PortalNum = Random.Range (0, size);

    void Update() {

        if (countDown > 0) {                
						 //as long as the timer is not 
                         //time.detaTime records the time taken for one frame.complete...
            countDown -= Time.deltaTime;    //it needs to deduct one second from the timer

            //clamps the variable so that negative scaling (which would result in room increasing in size) is not possible
            // 1 is the minimum possible value and the one that we need  NOTE: Must be changed to player width using bounds of camera box collider
            //8 is the maximum possible value that is not needed so 8 is just a random number to suit the parameters

            if (ABshrink == true) {
                ABChecker_portalA.enabled = true;
                ABChecker_portalB.enabled = true;

            //this makes it scale down as long as the current scale co ordinates are still in the range of the clamp values

            float scaleX;  //stored the scale of the gameObject's x  co-ordinate in a variable
            float scaleY;  //stored the scale of the gameObject's y  co-ordinate in a variable
            scaleX = Mathf.Clamp(transform.localScale.x, 1, 8);
            scaleY = Mathf.Clamp(transform.localScale.y, 1, 8);

            if (transform.localScale.x == scaleX && ABshrink == true) {
                transform.localScale -= new Vector3(shrinkSpeed, 0, 0);

    public void Reset() {
        player = GameObject.Find("Cube");
        transform.position = player.transform.position;
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(roomX, roomY, transform.localScale.z);

    public void SelectPortals() {
        Debug.Log("Select Portals");

		//PortalNum = Random.Range(0, size );
		Debug.Log ("Random no. is " + PortalNum);

        GameObject[] PortalChoosenAB; // these contain the correct portals
        GameObject wallA;
        GameObject wallB;

        wallA = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("WallA");
        wallB = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("WallB");

		if (ABshrink == true) {
            Debug.Log("PORTAL NUM" + PortalNum);
            PortalChoosenAB = new GameObject[2];

            PortalChoosenAB[0] = A_portalPos[PortalNum];
            PortalChoosenAB[1] = B_portalPos[PortalNum];

            SpawnedPortal[0] = Instantiate(Portal, PortalChoosenAB[0].transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            SpawnedPortal[0].transform.parent = wallA.transform;

            SpawnedPortal[1] = Instantiate(Portal, PortalChoosenAB[1].transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            SpawnedPortal[1].transform.parent = wallB.transform;

            ABChecker_portalA = SpawnedPortal[0].AddComponent<ABChecker>() as ABChecker;
            ABChecker_portalB = SpawnedPortal[1].AddComponent<ABChecker>() as ABChecker;
			PortalNum = Random.Range (0, size);

And ABChecker :

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// summary of script: to make sure both shrinking walls are colliding and only then remove the room

public class ABChecker : MonoBehaviour {
    public static int hits;//this counts the hits it makes with the walls
    public GameObject newRoom;
    public shrinkRoom scriptShrinkRoom;

    void Awake() {
        newRoom = GameObject.Find("newRoom");
        scriptShrinkRoom = newRoom.AddComponent < shrinkRoom >() as shrinkRoom;

	void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) { //this function is called the first frame a collision is detected
		if ( == "Cube"){//if the gameobject that is being collided with has the name "Cube"
            hits++; // add one to hits
            Debug.Log(hits); //testing

	void OnCollisionExit(Collision col) {// this is called the frame when it no longer collides with a game object
        hits--; // it deducts from the number of DIFFERENT collisions with walls as it no is not colliding with a wall

    void Update() {
		if (hits == 2) { //so only when BOTH walls A and B are colliding with the gameobject it will create a new room

here is a video showing instantiating cubes at random position (time is provided)

if that’s something you are looking for (time is linked), scroll to the 4th minute and watch