How to randomly instantiate prefabs after a certain time?

What i want to have is an object(the prefab) falling down randomly( in the x direction) from a certain height. I think i have achieved the script for this correctly, now i want to instantiate each prefab after a certain amount of time say like a random range over a few seconds??

Any help will be appreciated as am a bit of a beginner at this. =)

So assuming you have the following code to instantiate a prefab immediately:

void Create()
    // create the new object
    GameObject go = Instantiate(prefab);
    // init some properties of the new object
    go.transform.position = pos; = "foo"; 

Then to delay that, you would move it into an own function and call “Invoke” with the functions name and the delay as second parameter.

void Create()
    // remember to instantiate later
    Invoke("CreateNow", Random.Range(2f, 3f)); // randomly between 2 and 3 seconds

void CreateNow()
    // create the new object
    GameObject go = Instantiate(prefab);
    // init some properties of the new object
    go.transform.position = pos; = "foo"; 

well my code somewhat looks like this now :

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {

public GameObject prefab;
float xPosition;

void Start () {
	Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(xPosition, 5,-33), Quaternion.identity);

void Update () {



So the invoke functions takes the function name which is instantiating the prefab as it’s first parameter and the time range for delay as it’s second parameter?