How to read .json file

Hi, I have data in .json file.I am looking for ways to parse it in c#.

My json contains data like this,

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Since the docs donā€™t explain well how to parse anything other than simple flat list, Iā€™m posting this example for others:


      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe"
      "firstName": "Anna",
      "lastName": "Smith"
      "firstName": "Peter",
      "lastName": "Jones"


public class Employee
    //these variables are case sensitive and must match the strings "firstName" and "lastName" in the JSON.
    public string firstName;
    public string lastName;


public class Employees
    //employees is case sensitive and must match the string "employees" in the JSON.
    public Employee[] employees;


using UnityEngine;

public class JSONReader : MonoBehaviour
    public TextAsset jsonFile;

    void Start()
        Employees employeesInJson = JsonUtility.FromJson<Employees>(jsonFile.text);

        foreach (Employee employee in employeesInJson.employees)
            Debug.Log("Found employee: " + employee.firstName + " " + employee.lastName);

If you can give simple example as this to deserialize JSON for adding it into ScriptObjects. Iā€™d highly appreciate it.

Unity really need to provide simple and straightforward examples like this into their documentation rather than just complex theories.


Many thanks to Brad-Newman for this example!

For any other beginners, to get this to work I did the following:
Create Empty, then attach JSONReader.cs script to it
Create Assets/Resources, and put Employees.json in it
Drag Employees.json to the Json File variable of the JSONReader script

I initially put Employees.json into the StreamingAssets folder, but Unity didnā€™t recognize it as a text file in that location


I modified the code for my app, and figured out how to get it to work from TestRunner:


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;

// give Test Runner access to private variables and methods
[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("JsonReaderTest")]

public class JsonLesson
    public string Name;
    //public string[] Words;

public class JsonLessonList
    // jsonLessonList is case sensitive and must match the string "jsonLessonList" in the JSON.
    public JsonLesson[] jsonLessonList;

public class JsonReader : MonoBehaviour
    //=================== Set from Unity editor =======================
    // file to read lessons from
    public TextAsset jsonFile;

    //=================== MonoBehavior interface =======================
    void Start()

        lessonList = LoadLessonFromFile();

    //======================= public API =================================

    // create one instance of the TrialController for the app
    private static JsonReader jsonReader;
    public static JsonReader Instance()
        if (!jsonReader)
            jsonReader = FindObjectOfType(typeof(JsonReader)) as JsonReader;

            if (!jsonReader)
                Debug.LogError("JsonReader inactive or missing from unity scene.");

        return jsonReader;

    //============= internal structures and methods ======================

    // Make result of json read available to test runner
    internal JsonLessonList lessonList;

    internal JsonLessonList LoadLessonFromFile()

        JsonLessonList testLessonList = JsonUtility.FromJson<JsonLessonList>(jsonFile.text);

        foreach (JsonLesson lesson in testLessonList.jsonLessonList)
            Debug.Log("Found lesson: " + lesson.Name);

        return testLessonList;


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;

namespace Tests
    public class JsonReaderTest
        // create instance for test
        JsonReader jsonReader;

        //JsonLessonList jsonLessonList;

        public void Setup()
            jsonReader = new GameObject().AddComponent<JsonReader>();
            jsonReader.jsonFile = Resources.Load("lesson-test") as TextAsset;

        public void Teardown()

        // Verify class exists
        public void JsonReaderClassExists()

        public IEnumerator TestStart()
            Assert.Pass("PASS, ignore stack trace");

            yield return null;

        public void TestFileParsesOkTest()
            JsonLessonList testLessonList = jsonReader.LoadLessonFromFile();

            // NullReferenceException here is often caused by an error in the test file itself,
            // check that field names match the structure



      "Name": "lesson-test1"
      "Name": "lesson-test2"
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if I run ur JsonReader.cs with the same json file, it gives my and error:

ArgumentException: JSON parse error: The document root must not follow by other values.
UnityEngine.JsonUtility.FromJson (System.String json, System.Type type) (at <1386288601af43018501cce2912f52f4>:0)
UnityEngine.JsonUtility.FromJson[T] (System.String json) (at <1386288601af43018501cce2912f52f4>:0)
JsonReader2.LoadLessonFromFile () (at Assets/JsonReader2.cs:69)
JsonReader2.Start () (at Assets/JsonReader2.cs:36)

Yep, Iā€™m getting the same thing. jsonFile.text can be accessed fine as a string, but for some reason JsonUtility.FromJson(jsonFile.text) refuses to ā€˜readā€™ or whatever. Maybe itā€™s a parsing error? I donā€™t see why though, the above example is in perfect JSON format. At least I think it is.

Just figured out my issue, in case anyone cares. It was because I had comments in my JSON file :sunglasses:ā€¦

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@tmurraysdca70 @Brad-Newman
How will you write a class for such JSON file where the ā€œpropertiesā€ changes according to the ā€œtypeā€?

This helped me! Thanks for the example man kudos

Hi, Thanks @Brad-Newman .194718 for the code. One question, Reading the data is working fine, but how to update the json file again please. I need to change some values and save back the file.