I am currently trying to make a good portfolio and I have found one pretty interesting game which I am trying to recreate — Tenkyu by Voodoo. You can see gameplay here
I am wondering how one would recreate such game in easy way.
I think first the easiest way is to just tilt the platform and apply bigger gravity.
Advantages of this method:
no additional force management, ball just fall and roll down
no additional camera view management
Disadvantages are:
ball just behaves weird — it doesn’t actually stick to platform, get random collisions with platform surface which apply on a ball and make it behave “unnatural” like bumping it and so on
And another way is to actually tilt the camera instead of platform to make it look like it’s tilting and manage forces by script (force shall have opposite direction to swipe).
Advantages of this method:
no unwanted collisions with surface of a platform
thus ball behaves better
it is necessary to be careful with forces you apply on a ball or else it wont be looking natural
it is fairly harder way to do the same thing
My main question is anyone has any ideas how to make it properly? I tried to mix it up a bit — manage forces by script and also tilt the platform without tilting the camera. It doesn’t look good enough for me.
When I did this, I altered the direction of gravity for the physics engine, and rotated the camera to make it seem as though the world was tilting. This means you don’t have to move anything. It’s not difficult to do.