How To Reduce Physics Lag?

So at the moment when I run my game I get around 110% cpu power after around 30 seconds of my game being ran. Im very new to this and this is a barely made 2D game… So I know I’m doing something VERY wrong. The game slowly increases in physics use. It was good until I started to try to add A* pathfinding to two of the enemies. I have two trigger colliders in the game as a whole. All my rigibody’s are dynamic and one of the the enemies with A* has a rigibody and collider to try to give them gravity which isn’t working atm. Any one got any tips and tricks to keep my game not running like a burnt potato. Thanks

I would guess that you somewhere in the code keep creating objects that you forget about… If you look at the memory usage you can confirm it, also you can try this and look at the console to see if the number of objects increases with time for no reason.

Add this line to Update in a central object that you only have one of.

Debug.Log("Num obj is " + UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<GameObject>().Length);