I am working on a relatively small 2D game. Anytime a build it in unity for iOS to test on a device the folder size is north of 900MB and it takes several minutes to build. I have checked Developement Build and set Run in Xcode as to Debug. Basically, these are the only settings I have adjusted from the defaults. I realized that in the Libraries folder there’s a “libiPhone-lib.a” file that’s 920MB. How can I possibly reduce the folder size or increase the build speed? Also is “libiPhone-lib.a” a library that I can add to my Xcode project after building in Unity or it’s part of the build. Please help, I takes me about 5-7 minutes to build and run on my iOS device, that’s a lot in programming terms.
You can increase the build speeds by selecting the mono scripting backend and only building for the architecture that you need when testing - Try enabling bytecode stripping as well or use .net subset / micro mscorlib. for more speed. ( Upon release you still need to do your final testing with IL2CPP )
In order not to copy the iPhone dll into your Xcode project every time simply enable “symlink unity” with player sttings. The iPhone player is the size it is so not much you can do about that, but there is no need for your to not symlink and save time copyiing it into the build folder.