how to reference character controller by script from another object


I am trying to reference the character controller from a script attached to another object (for example, from a script attached to a cube). It is easy to just leave the “controller” var public and drag the character controller on to it in the inspector, but I would rather reference it entirely by code – something like below, which does not work. Any suggestions? Thanks. Zaffer

 private var controller : CharacterController;
 function Start(){
	controller = gameObject.GetComponent(CharacterController);

P.S. I seem to be having trouble formatting my code – using the “pre” and “code” tags which don’t seem to work very well. Any suggestions? Thanks.

I haven’t messed with character controller much at all, so there might be an even easier way of accessing that than this ; but as for accessing other scripts on a specific object you could go about it with something like this->

var player : GameObject ;
var script : ScriptName ;
function Start(){
   player = gameObject.FindWithTag("Player") ;
   script = player.GetComponent(ScriptName) as ScriptName ;
function Update(){
      script.FunctionName() ;
      script.variableName = whateverValue ;