How to release an AudioClip addressable?

I would like to release my AudioClip addressable after using it.

To better understand addressables I created a simple test scene:

private AsyncOperationHandle<AudioClip> _handle;

private async Task TempAsync()
    _handle = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<AudioClip>(audioClipPath);
    await _handle.Task;
    // Expected ref count: 1  Actual:  7

    // Expected ref count: 0  Actual:  3

Why is the ref count 7 instead of 1 after LoadAssetAsync?

Why is the ref count 3 instead of 0 after Release?

I am using Unity 2019.2.21f1 Personal and Addressables 1.2.4.

Updating to addressables 1.16.15 resolved the issue. Now after Addressables.Release() I have a ref count of 0 :slight_smile:

(The ref count after Addressables.LoadAssetAsync() is now 6 instead of the expected 1, but meh.)