How to remove a single layer from cullingmask


i have a culling mask with multiple Layers selected. for example: 0, 8, 9, 10

In game i create a second Camera that copies that culling mask, so i don´t / can´t predefine it in the inspector. The problem i can not solve is, how do i remove that single layer from my copied cullingmask. so the camera sees 0, 8, and 10.
I do not understand that bit shifting so i ask here, if someone can help me to remove that layer 9 from my copied culling mask.

Thanks in Advance.

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If you want to make layer 9 visible:

var newMask = oldMask | (1 << 9);

If you want to make layer 9 invisible:

var newMask = oldMask & ~(1 << 9);

Thank you, that did the job.

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This helped me too. Thanks!

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This worked for me too. Thanks makeshiftwings !

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Thanks :slight_smile: !

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Wrote extension methods

    public static int AddLayerToLayerMask(this int layerMask, int layer)
        return layerMask | 1 << layer;
    public static int RemoveLayerFromLayerMask(this int layerMask, int layer)
        return layerMask & ~(1 << layer);

    public static void AddLayerToCullingMask(this Camera camera, int layer)
        camera.cullingMask |= 1 << layer;
    public static void RemoveLayerFromCullingMask(this Camera camera, int layer)
        camera.cullingMask &= ~(1 << layer);