How to remove a tag after pressing a button #

so I have a script where I made if statment if raycast hits object with a tag ##### then something happens ,but how do I remove a tag from it once the button is pressed?

I gues it has something to do with tag.remove but I dont know how to set it …

any help please? :frowning:

If you want to replace with other tag then

gameObject.tag = "myTag";

or if you want to assign built in default Unity tag then you may assign

gameObject.tag = "Untagged";

For more info , you can Refer This.


gameObject.tag = “Untagged”; // Sets back to “Untagged” default in inspector

Or maybe -

gameObject.tag = null; // Removes tag completely

Nevermind ,I got beter result with DESTROY OBJECT :smiley: