How to remove an empty item from List?

Hello i have this methods in my script

This method adds item to list:

public void Equip(Equipment newItem, ItemType2 itemType)
    Equipment oldItem = null;
    if (itemType == ItemType2.laser)
        //Debug.Log("Laser added");
    if (itemType == ItemType2.engine)
        //Debug.Log("Engine added");
    if (onEquipmentChanged != null)
        onEquipmentChanged.Invoke(newItem, oldItem);

This method removes item from list:

public void UnequipLasers(int slotIndex)
    if (lasers[slotIndex] != null)
        Equipment oldItem = lasers[slotIndex];
        lasers[slotIndex] = null;
        //lasers.RemoveAll(x => !x);
        if (onEquipmentChanged != null)
            onEquipmentChanged.Invoke(null, oldItem);

This method removes all items from lists:

public void UnequipAll()
        for (int i = 0; i < lasers.Count; i++)
            //lasers.RemoveAll(x => !x);
        for (int i = 0; i < engines.Count; i++)

But i want to delete empty item from list, after i removed item

If i use


in 2nd method then my 3rd method doesn’t remove all items, it removes only 1 item at time
How do i fix this ?

This is how you do it:

lasers.RemoveAt( slotIndex );

And if you need to remove items while iterating over a list, then do it in reverse order like this:

for( int i=list.Count-1 ; i!=-1  ; i-- )
    list.RemoveAt( i );

I have empty list at start
Then i add 3 items
Then i try UneqipAll() with RemoveAt in UnequipLasers()
And it removes 2 items, but 1 item still in list

This is exactly what happen when you iterate forward (!) from 0 to list.Count

This is what happens in steps:

  1. 0 / 3
  2. 1 / 2
  3. 2 / 1 - loop stops here since 2<1 is false

(index / count)

This is how you’re left with 1 item.