How to remove decimals from Vector3.Distance

How do I remove the decimals from my script so that my text mesh doesn’t show something like 20.62634325 meters?

var Other : Transform;

function Start () {


function Update () {

  transform.localRotation = Other.localRotation;


ToString() can be overloaded:

float fl = 0.1234567f;
print(fl.ToString("0.00")); // prints 0.12

Well there’s absolutely no reference to anything in that code you posted, so not sure how that’s supposed to help.

There are a couple easy ways to drop the extra digits:

displayValue:int = Mathf.RoundToInt(floatValue);


displayValue:int = (int)floatValue;

Multiply by 100, convert to an int, then convert back to a float and divide by 100, that will give you just 2 decimal places.