Hi, I was making a skybox. And I followed online documentation to do so.And as told there I made all Images using in skybox as Clamp in Wrap mode.But it worked partially, I mean sides
are looking great but, the bottom and top of skybox are having edges(As you can see…in the image).So what else should I do?Hey, same problem here.
The fact is that my maps aren’t in Cubemap, but in Default and can’t be something else, because they are next put in a material Skybox/6 Sided
Changing wrap mode in Clamp only solved a part of the seams.
Have you tried checking off the option to fix the edge seams?
Edit: It looks like that wasn’t your issue to begin with. I mistook the UI outline for edge seams.
Your texture type needs to be a cubemap, try that.
Same problem using a HDR from poliigon. I’m using the universal render pipeline.