Ello, does anyone know why its jittering a lot when using smooth sync with ngo?
It doesn’t jitter nearly as bad if at all with mirror.
Ello, does anyone know why its jittering a lot when using smooth sync with ngo?
It doesn’t jitter nearly as bad if at all with mirror.
Need more info, perhaps a code snippet and some analysis you’ve done yourself. One common cause for jitter is described in the NGO manual, I think that was along the lines of rigidbody physics updates not in sync with network tick rate and/or with or without interpolation, something like that. But even outside of networking changing the transform of a game object that has a rigidbody can cause it to stutter.
Is this the “Smooth Sync” you are referring to?
@CodeSmile Yep that’s the Smooth Sync, though I’ll see if I can find that on the NGO manual and get back to you.
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