This logo:
I have been looking at PlayerSettings class, but I cannot find anything related to it.
PlayerSettings.SplashScreen doesn’t seem to have anything related to Static Splash Image.
I am stumped, any ideas?
This logo:
I have been looking at PlayerSettings class, but I cannot find anything related to it.
PlayerSettings.SplashScreen doesn’t seem to have anything related to Static Splash Image.
I am stumped, any ideas?
could it be same thing as:
Unity - Scripting API: PlayerSettings.SplashScreen.background ?
@kdgalla No, that is for the Background Image.
You can modify the Android Static Splash Screen programatically like this:
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
[MenuItem("Set Android Static Splash Screen")]
public static void update_android_static_splash_image()
string project_settings = "ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset";
SerializedObject settings_manager = new SerializedObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(project_settings)[0]);
SerializedProperty splash_screen = settings_manager.FindProperty("androidSplashScreen");
splash_screen.objectReferenceValue = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath("Assets/Sprites/1.png", typeof(Texture2D));
I am guessing you can reset/null it instead in a similar fashion