How to remove VR Split Screen when App starts. Unity 5.6

Hello everyone. I’m making an App in Unity that has VR/AR and non vr scenes. I can enable and disable the VR inside the app by using VRSettings.LoadDeviceByName however when the app starts before unity Splash screen app shows a split screen. PlayerSetting => Virtual Reality supported is checked of course when I uncheck it VR is not working as you can imagine. I’m calling VRSettings.LoadDeviceByName in an IEnumerator in the Awake Funtion. If you want I can upload the APK to a link.

Is there a way to remove the split screen at start?

you have to choose None as the first device in the PlayerSettings Virtual Reality SDKs
Device None is equivalent to a non-VR application.
Built applications: Choosing startup device

But in my application it doesn’t work - If I set None as first device and then I switch ingame to VR, I got a very strange result…


No I haven’t tried that let me try and get back to you thanks for the advice.

Hi crpt(). Thanks for your answer I finally figured out how to remove it thanks to you. As you mentioned I select the device type to none but then GoogleVR didn’t work at all but later I added the Cardboard sdk as an second SDK and worked like a charm. Here see the picture on how I manage the Player settings.

Also this is the code I’m using to enable and disable the VR.

Hope this will help people.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.VR;
public class VRSceneManager : MonoBehaviour {

    public static VRSceneManager instance;

    void Awake()

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        instance = this;

    IEnumerator LoadDevice(string newDevice, bool enable)
        yield return null;
        VRSettings.enabled = enable;

    void enableVr()
        StartCoroutine(LoadDevice("cardboard", true));

    void disableVr()
        StartCoroutine(LoadDevice("", false));