How to rename objects in an FBX

I tried to apply Humanoid to FBX, but I got the following error.

Right Thumb Proximal Transform “Base HumanRDigit12” is also assigned to Right Thumb Intermediate.

I would like to change the name directly from the Unity editor, so I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to create this function in C#.

This error indicates you are referencing the same bone for two locations. Renaming it won’t change that, it would still be the same bone assigned to two different parts of the avatar.

Thank you for your reply.

As you can see in the image, there are bones with the same name in the parent and child objects.

I set different objects in the area where the error is occurring, but since they have the same name it seems like they are being recognized as the same object.

I am hypothesizing that changing the name of one of them, for example, from “Base HumanLDigit12” to “Base HumanLDigit11”, will allow them to be recognized correctly, but is this wrong?
スクリーンショット 2025-02-02 232457

Ah I see. Yes if the FBX has duplicate names you’d have to rename those but I think you have to do that in a modeling program since you can’t alter the FBX in Unity.

I see, so that’s not possible in Unity…

Is the only way to change bone names the way I do it in 3ds Max or something similar?