Hello everybody ! Sorry for my bad english I have vertexes from polygon (i’m creating a polygon in real-time) and have an image (.png) 2D texture. How Can I Render this 2D image in this polygon ? Can anybody help me ? I want render 2D texture image for polygon like in this video Gish trailer - YouTube
My some experiments on a cube are here [1268-TestMesh.cs.zip|1268]
I will research this domain till Master Level )))))))))
nice question …
attention skinned mesh gurus, in fact could it just be done w/ a skinned mesh object … something with a coupe of bones and a simple skin ???
To directly answer your question, you just have to learn how to build mesh on the fly, if that’s really what you want to do. Start reading the Mesh doco in Unity.
I’m trying to do this in 2D space and I was speaking about 2D polygon (gish or blob).
My some NEW experiments TestMesh.cs
From this sources I’ve been understood that UV coordinates conform to each Mesh’s Vertex and triangles are regions which will be painted out by texture, thus triangles are used in Mesh’s Set of Vertexes and in TEXTURE’s UV Set of Coordinates
Thanks !
Test Mesh Texture’s Triangles download Source example: [1276-TestMesh.cs.zip|1276]