I am currently making a AR mobile app in VR mode. My target is to render a high quality of camera feed and can display the full image in the stereoscopic frame (the black square in VR mode)
How to render 4:3 ratio WebcamTexture on iPhone?
webCamTexture = new WebCamTexture(webCamDevices[0].name);
When I didn’t specify the WebcamTexture width and height, both Android and iPhone will render 640*480 camera feed, which is in 4:3 ratio. But the resolution quality is way too low.
Then, I change the code to below and specifying the width and height.
float ratio = (float)4 / (float)3;
webCamTexture = new WebCamTexture(webCamDevices[0].name, (int)(Screen.height * ratio), Screen.height, 60);
When I use the above code in Android, it can success to render a 4:3 ratio cam feed. But in iPhone, it will still be 16:9 ratio cam feed.
As mention in this post and the AVCaptureSession.Preset from apple, is it not possible to have high quality cam feed in 4:3 ratio?