How to RESET my settings back to default on my game, when I quit my game with QUIT button?

Hello! I don’t know how to reset my settings on my game when quitting with a QUIT button. What I mean is that I want to press QUIT button and when the game is out the settings have to be default, when I will reenter the game again. For example, on my game I have made changes in settings, lets say volume slider and when I will exit my game and reenter it then I will have my settings saved and not default. I want it to be like the second screenshot when I quit and reentering the game.

I need help with that because I can’t continue my progress and I stuck with that!!

Check all my code here and screenshots for more information:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine.Audio;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using System;

public class SettingsManager : MonoBehaviour
    // Variables that we are using in our code!
    [SerializeField] private Slider menuMusicVolumeSlider;
    [SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI menuMusicVolumeSliderText;

    [SerializeField] private Slider soundsVolumeSlider;
    [SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI soundsVolumeSliderText;

    [SerializeField] private Slider gameVolumeSlider;
    [SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI gameVolumeSliderText;

    [SerializeField] private Slider masterVolumeSlider;
    [SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI masterVolumeSliderText;

    public AudioMixer myAudioMixer;

    const string menuMusicVol = "MenuMusicVolume";
    const string soundEffectsVol = "SoundsVolume";
    const string masterVol = "MasterVolume";
    const string gameMusicVol = "GameMusicVolume";

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //Every variable or initialization that has to happen when the game starts in here!

    public void SaveSettings()
        //Here we save all of our settings!
        float menuMusicVolumeValue = menuMusicVolumeSlider.value;
        float soundsVolumeValue = soundsVolumeSlider.value;
        float masterVolumeValue = masterVolumeSlider.value;

        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MenuMusicVolume", menuMusicVolumeValue);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("SoundsVolume", soundsVolumeValue);
        PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MasterVolume", masterVolumeValue);

        myAudioMixer.SetFloat(soundEffectsVol, Mathf.Log10(soundsVolumeValue) * 20);
        myAudioMixer.SetFloat(menuMusicVol, Mathf.Log10(menuMusicVolumeValue) * 20);
        myAudioMixer.SetFloat(masterVol, Mathf.Log10(masterVolumeValue) * 20);

        Debug.Log("Settings are saved and audio mixer is working!");

    public void LoadSettings()
        //Here we load all of our saved settings!
        float menuMusicVolumeValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("MenuMusicVolume");
        float soundsVolumeValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("SoundsVolume");
        float masterVolumeValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("MasterVolume");

        if (menuMusicVolumeSlider != null)
            menuMusicVolumeSlider.value = menuMusicVolumeValue;

        if (soundsVolumeSlider != null)
            soundsVolumeSlider.value = soundsVolumeValue;

        if (masterVolumeSlider != null)
            masterVolumeSlider.value = masterVolumeValue;
        Debug.Log("Saved settings has been loaded!");

    public void MenuMusicVolumeSlider()
        float menuVolume = menuMusicVolumeSlider.value;
        menuMusicVolumeSliderText.text = menuVolume.ToString("0.0");
        Debug.Log("Display of main menu volume text as string!");

    public void GameVolumeSlider()
        float gameVolume = gameVolumeSlider.value;
        gameVolumeSliderText.text = gameVolume.ToString("0.0");
        myAudioMixer.SetFloat(gameMusicVol, Mathf.Log10(gameVolumeSlider.value) * 20);
        Debug.Log("Display of game volume text as string!");

    public void SoundsVolumeSlider()
        float soundsVolume = soundsVolumeSlider.value;
        soundsVolumeSliderText.text = soundsVolume.ToString("0.0");
        Debug.Log("Display of sounds volume text as string!");

    public void MasterVolumeSlider()
        float masterVolume = masterVolumeSlider.value;
        masterVolumeSliderText.text = masterVolume.ToString("0.0");
        Debug.Log("Display of master volume text as string!");

    public void ResetSettings()
        //Here we are resetting all of our settings back to it's default value!
        if (menuMusicVolumeSlider != null)
            menuMusicVolumeSlider.value = 1.0f;
            myAudioMixer.SetFloat(menuMusicVol, Mathf.Log10(menuMusicVolumeSlider.value) * 20);

        if (soundsVolumeSlider != null)
            soundsVolumeSlider.value = 1.0f;
            myAudioMixer.SetFloat(soundEffectsVol, Mathf.Log10(soundsVolumeSlider.value) * 20);

        if (masterVolumeSlider != null)
            masterVolumeSlider.value = 1.0f;
            myAudioMixer.SetFloat(masterVol, Mathf.Log10(masterVolumeSlider.value) * 20);
        Debug.Log("Reset settings to default!");

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using TMPro;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine.PlayerLoop;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Audio;

public class UIManager : MonoBehaviour
    // Initialization of some variables here!
    public bool gameIsActive;
    public bool pauseIsActive;
    public bool gameIsOver;

    private float pauseMenuScreenDelay = 0.1f;
    private float continueButtonDelay = 0.1f;
    private float quitButtonDelay = 0.1f;
    private float optionsButtonDelay = 0.1f;
    private float playButtonDelay = 0.1f;
    private float backButtonDelay = 0.1f;
    private float homeBlackButtonDelay = 0.1f;
    private float restartButtonDelay = 0.2f;

    public GameObject pauseMenuScreen;

    public SettingsManager settingsManager;
    public AudioManager audioManager;

    public Button quitButton;
    public Button exitButton;
    public Button playButton;
    public Button optionsButton;
    public Button pauseButton;
    public Button continueButton;
    public Button homeMenuButton;
    public Button applyButton;
    public Button resetButton;
    public Button loadButton;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    public void StartGame()
        settingsManager = GameObject.Find("SettingsManager").GetComponent<SettingsManager>();
        audioManager = GameObject.Find("AudioManager").GetComponent<AudioManager>();

        gameIsActive = true;
        Debug.Log("The game started!");

    void Update()

    public void QuitGame()

    IEnumerator QuitAfterDelay()

        yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(quitButtonDelay);
        Debug.Log("Game quits and editor play mode stops!");

    public void LoadOptionsScene()
        Debug.Log("Options scene is being loaded!");

    IEnumerator LoadOptionsSceneAfterDelay()
        yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(optionsButtonDelay);
        Debug.Log("Options Button is pressed after a delay!");

    public void LoadMainGameScene()

    IEnumerator LoadMainGameAfterDelay()
        yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(playButtonDelay);
        Time.timeScale = 1f;
        Debug.Log("Play Button is pressed after a delay!");

    public void GoBackButton()

    IEnumerator GoBackToMainMenuSceneAfterDelay()
        yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(backButtonDelay);
        Debug.Log("Left back button is pressed after a delay and back button is pressed!");

    public void ContinueGameButton()

    IEnumerator ContinueGameAfterDelay()
        yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(continueButtonDelay);
        Time.timeScale = 1f;
        Debug.Log("Continue button is pressed and pause menu screen gone!");

    public void InputForPauseMenuScreen()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
            if (pauseIsActive)


    IEnumerator ResumeAfterDelay()
        yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(pauseMenuScreenDelay);
        pauseIsActive = false;
        Time.timeScale = 1f;
        Debug.Log("Pause menu screen is disabled after delay!");

    IEnumerator PauseAfterDelay()
        yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(pauseMenuScreenDelay);
        pauseIsActive = true;
        Time.timeScale = 0f;
        Debug.Log("Pause menu screen is enabled after delay!");

    public void PauseBlackButton()
        if (!pauseIsActive)
            pauseIsActive = true;
            Time.timeScale = 0f;
            Debug.Log("Pause menu screen is enabled with left click!");

        else if (pauseIsActive)
            pauseIsActive = false;
            Time.timeScale = 1f;
            Debug.Log("Pause menu screen is disabled with left click!");

    public void HomeBlackButton()

    IEnumerator HomeBlackButtonAfterDelay()
        yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(homeBlackButtonDelay);
        Debug.Log("Main menu scene is loaded and home black button is pressed!");

    public void RestartButton()

    IEnumerator RestartButtonAfterDelay()
        yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(restartButtonDelay);
        Debug.Log("Restart button pressed and loaded main game scene and game over menu scree gone!");

Make an array, that stores all of the default information and in Void Start, Tell it to set the “Master Volume”, “Menu Volume”, and “Sounds Volume” and so on and so forth, to those default values. Docs: Unity - Scripting API: Array

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

No friend! It didn’t fix the problem. Can I please contact you in discord to help me solve it?

You can use player prefs for a small amount of data (please don’t use this for many values).

Exit Button Code:

public void ExitButton()
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MasterVolume", 10);
    PlayerPrefs.SetString("ScreenResolution", "1920x1080");

Then, in your UI Code:

// Master volume
private float masterVolume;
// Screen resolution
private string screenResolution;

private void Start()
    masterVolume = (float)PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MasterVolume") / 10;
    screenResolution = PlayerPrefs.GetString("ScreenResolution");

How you convert those to fit your application is your part :wink:

For screen resolution, please use an enum (you can’t save that type to player prefs).

// This is the enum
private enum ScreenResolution
// Current resolution
private ScreenResolution currentScreenResolution;

// Default resolution
private ScreenResolution defaultScreenResolution = ScreenResolution.res1920x1080;

Then use a switch statement, to set the resolution

private void SetScreenResolution(ScreenResolution value)
    switch (value)
        case ScreenResolution.res1920x1080:
            // Change Resolution to 1920x1080

        default: break;