How to reset the "catchup" of a FixedRateCatchUpManager?

I have a scene where I can toggle FixedRate on or off at runtime. It’s a pretty weird and uncommon use case (I use it for a “performance tests” scene), but I’m seeing a problem with it and I wonder if it can be solved

Basically, when I toggle my update mode like this:

        public void SetUpdateMode(bool fixedUpdate)
            if (fixedUpdate)
                World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.GetOrCreateSystem<FixedStepSimulationSystemGroup>().FixedRateManager = new FixedRateUtils.FixedRateCatchUpManager(Time.fixedDeltaTime);
                World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.GetOrCreateSystem<FixedStepSimulationSystemGroup>().FixedRateManager = null;

… it looks like the fixed update is trying to catch up since the very start of the game, instead of from the moment I turned it on. It’s like it doesn’t have a way for me to set its “last time I did a fixed update” to the moment I toggled on fixedUpdate instead of time 0.

This is just my theory and I don’t know for sure, but the end result is that it’s trying to simulate like 10000+ frames of fixed update the moment I turn it on, and it struggles to keep up for a while until it finally simulates at a regular rate at some point. Is there any way to solve this?

Note that I still want to have catchup; but I need it to catch up only from the moment I turned it on

You can implement your own IFixedRateManager.

public interface IFixedRateManager
        bool ShouldGroupUpdate(ComponentSystemGroup group);
        float Timestep { get; set; }

The code for FixedRateCatchUpManager is only like 60 lines or so. You could just copy it from the entities package and modify it to your needs.

You probably only need make a method to set m_LastFixedUpdateTime.

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