How to respawn an object again after it has been instantiated

This is for a snake game, and i have looked everywhere, and spent days doing it so this really is my final resort.

I am using two prefabs, one for a body to add to the snake, and another one for food. I have it set up so that at the start, the food randomly respawns, and after collision does create the instance of the body prefab. However, i need it to respawn again after collision, and it simply doesn’t. Only the once. How do i get to respawn again and again?

var BodyPrefab : Transform; 

// food prefab
public var pickupPrefab:GameObject;
// the spawnpoint to be spawned out
private var spawnPoint:GameObject;

//awake functions are called before the script starts
function Awake()
    // retrieve GameObject tagged as 'SpawnPoint' within the 'PickupSpawnPoints' GameObject which this script is a Component of
    spawnPoint = gameObject.FindWithTag("SpawnPoint");
   // spawn the pickup
function OnControllerColliderHit (collision : ControllerColliderHit) 
	if(collision.gameObject.tag == "Player")
          print ("FOOD!");
          Instantiate(BodyPrefab, GameObject.Find("Snake").transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
//originally it did say "Destroy(gameObject)" but i assumed that was destroying the food prefab, with or without it didn't make a difference.

	function SpawnPickup()
    // retrieve the position and rotation of the pickup's spawn point
    var spawnedPickupPosition = spawnPoint.transform.position; // copy position

    spawnedPickupPosition.z = Random.Range (-11.7,11.8);

    spawnedPickupPosition.x = Random.Range(11.5,-11.9);
    var spawnedPickupRotation:Quaternion = spawnPoint.transform.rotation;
    // instantiate (create) the pickup prefab with the above position and rotation
    var spawnedPickup:GameObject = Instantiate(pickupPrefab, spawnedPickupPosition, spawnedPickupRotation);
    // set the spawned pickup as a child of the 'PickupSpawnPoints' gameobject that this script is a Component of
    spawnedPickup.transform.parent = spawnPoint.transform;
spawnPoint = gameObject.FindWithTag("SpawnPoint");

It seems you have a simple error in your code.

If you write “gameObject” you refer to your current GameObject this script it assigned on.
If you want to find another Game Object from your Project, you need to write:

spawnPoint = GameObject.FindWithTag("SpawnPoint");