How to respawn player car in war track

After watching a rewarded video, I want to reward a game player with an extra life in gameplay.
So for this, I have again respawned player car again within the track.
But sometimes this kind of situation get occurred:

Player Car gets overlapped with other AI cars.
Total 9 to 13 cars were moving on the same track, so what strategy I require to apply in respawning?
So that player car doesn’t overlap other moving cars.

Okay, I managed to solve the problem:

Performed these steps:

  1. Created multiple respawn positions on the track
  2. Then at respawn time, checked all cars position respective to currently selected spawn position
  3. At last, whichever position get selected that is safe for respawning

Here is the code that I used for this purpose:

private Vector3 FindSafePlaceForSpawning()
        Vector3 spawnPosition = playerRespawnOptions[0].position;
        for (int i = 0; i < playerRespawnOptions.Length; i++)
            bool isAnyNearCar = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < gamePlayCarList.Count; j++)
                if (Vector3.Distance(playerRespawnOptions*.position, gamePlayCarList[j].position) < 2f)*

isAnyNearCar = true;

if (!isAnyNearCar)
spawnPosition = playerRespawnOptions*.position;*

return spawnPosition;