How to restrict asset to specific type in folder?

I want to add pack all scenes under a specific folder to a bundle, my setup looks like this:

The reason why I use a folder rather than the scene directly is, if a new “chunk” scene is created, I don’t need to manually add that one etoo. Thje chunk just gets packed into the same bundle without further adjustments.

However, I want the group to include *.unity files only, because the current setup causes a build warning, because it also includes the editor only lighting assets:

Type LightingDataAsset is in editor assembly UnityEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.  Asset location with internal id assets/scenes/game_world_01/game_world_01/LightingData.asset will be stripped.

Where can I specify that Addressables should pull in only the scene files in that folder and its sub-folders?


We use @Favo-Yang 's Addressable Importer for this. Open source, takes pull requests, works a treat.

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Thanks for your answer!

I would be surprised if Addressables isn’t supporting this already, because it’s one of the very first use-cases I can think of how I’d add addressable content.

Someone from Unity here to shed in some light?

I have it on good authority that the existence of Favo’s importer pushed that feature further back the queue.

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