I’m trying to create a slingshot (a la Angry Birds), but how do I limit the distance that you can pull it back? I know I could clamp the X and Y axis but that would make it pull back more like a square shape for the maximum pull rather than a circle?
From the expression “a la angrybird”, I’l ltake a wild guess and say you’re french, so salut compatriote mais par respect pour les autres internautes, let’s get back to english.
If I had to do that, I guess I would clamp the magnitude of the pulled back vector after a certain distance. Let’s say, past magnitude = 5, I’d do something like that :
birdPos = startPos + (virtualPos - startPos).normalized * 5;
With, for something like AB, virtualPos would be the position of your finger pulling back, startPos the top of the throwing device and birdPos the actual and limited pos. I hope I’m clear enough ^^
I don’t know how you have built the slingshot, but you could use Vector3.Distance to determine the distance between slingshot and the bullet. And if it goes too far it won’t stretch anymore.