How to Roll A Ball


I wanna ask how to roll a ball.
Its not a simple roll though.
I want it to go to a full stop when I released the button
And go full speed at a press of a button


Didn’t tested, but give it a try :

 void FixedUpdate ()
    float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
    float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");

    Vector3 movement = new Vector3 (moveHorizontal, 0.0f, moveVertical);

    rb.velocity = movement * speed;


if you set velocity it won’t roll it will only move you should use Rigidbody.AddForce();

code :

private Rigidbody rb;
public float speed = 10f;
void Start(){
//if script is attached on your ball
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
//if not
//rb = GameObject.Find("YourBall's Name").GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

void FixedUpdate ()
     float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
     float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");
     Vector3 movement = new Vector3 (moveHorizontal, 0.0f, moveVertical);
     rb.AddForce(movement * speed);

The best solution would be to use GetComponent().AddTorque(transform.forward);

Can I have the Js version? Its very hard for me to understand C# :frowning:

You could set the game object static when the button isnt pressed down.