You can achieve this by overriding LocalToWorld
component at the right time, for example:
scene hierarchy:
results is this (very much expected):
but, if you add a ConstantRotationCompoent
to this B and rotate it a bit:
it will keep that rotation as constant:
If you need them to “look at the camera” (camera-aligned variant) add the LookAtCameraComponent
to B (child) gameObject.
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Transforms;
namespace ConstantRotationSystem
public class ConstantRotationComponent : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
void IConvertGameObjectToEntity.Convert ( Entity entity , EntityManager dstManager , GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem )
dstManager.AddComponent<ConstantRotation>( entity );
dstManager.SetComponentData( entity , new ConstantRotation{ Value = transform.rotation } );
public struct ConstantRotation : IComponentData
public quaternion Value;
[UpdateInGroup( typeof(TransformSystemGroup) )]
[UpdateAfter( typeof(EndFrameLocalToParentSystem) )]
public class ConstantRotationSystem : SystemBase
protected override void OnUpdate ()
( ref LocalToWorld transform , in ConstantRotation constantRotation ) =>
float3 scale = new float3{ x=math.length(transform.Value.c0) , y=math.length(transform.Value.c1) , z=math.length(transform.Value.c2) };
transform.Value = float4x4.TRS( transform.Position , constantRotation.Value , scale );
} )
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Transforms;
namespace LookAtCameraComponent
public class LookAtCameraComponent : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
void IConvertGameObjectToEntity.Convert ( Entity entity , EntityManager dstManager , GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem )
=> dstManager.AddComponent<LookAtCamera>( entity );
public struct LookAtCamera : IComponentData {}
[UpdateInGroup( typeof(TransformSystemGroup) )]
[UpdateAfter( typeof(EndFrameLocalToParentSystem) )]
public class LookAtCameraSystem : SystemBase
protected override void OnUpdate ()
var camera = Camera.main;
if( camera==null ) return;
quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation( forward:-camera.transform.forward , upwards:-camera.transform.up );
( ref LocalToWorld transform ) =>
float3 scale = new float3{ x=math.length(transform.Value.c0) , y=math.length(transform.Value.c1) , z=math.length(transform.Value.c2) };
transform.Value = float4x4.TRS( transform.Position , rotation , scale );
} )
AnimateMeComponent.cs (just a test system to help with testing):
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Transforms;
using Unity.Mathematics;
namespace AnimateMeSystem
public class AnimateMeComponent : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
void IConvertGameObjectToEntity.Convert ( Entity entity , EntityManager dstManager , GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem )
=> dstManager.AddComponent<AnimateMe>( entity );
public struct AnimateMe : IComponentData {}
public class AnimateMeSystem : SystemBase
protected override void OnUpdate ()
float time = (float) Time.ElapsedTime;
( ref LocalToWorld transform ) =>
float2 noiseScale = new float2{ x=100 , y=100 };
float2 noiseScaleHalved = noiseScale * 0.5f;
float ex = noise.pnoise( new float2(time,time+noiseScaleHalved.y) , noiseScale ) * math.PI;
float ey = noise.pnoise( new float2(time+noiseScaleHalved.x,time) , noiseScale ) * math.PI;
float ez = noise.pnoise( new float2(time,time)+noiseScaleHalved , noiseScale ) * math.PI;
transform.Value = float4x4.TRS( transform.Position , quaternion.Euler( ex , ey , ez ) , 1 );
} )